“השוויון” בישראל בכהונתו של נתניהו!

Equality in Israel under Netanyahu!

Economic Globes website yesterday published research which incited outrage among Israelis on social networks. The ultra-Orthodox are the group that utilizes the state's resources the most and do not pay taxes compared to other groups of Israelis and Arabs. Ultra-Orthodox receive every month thousands of shekels more than they pay in taxes, while the non-Orthodox Jews have a negative balance. 

The data published on the Economic Globes website yesterday revealed a large gap between the sectors, with the average ultra-Orthodox family receiving NIS 4,107 more from the state each month than it pays in taxes. The average Arab family receives NIS 1,037, and the non-Orthodox Jewish family pays an additional NIS 6,115 in taxes each month beyond what it receives from government services.