“ההחלטות באירוע הירי על ביתה של פסי בבארי היו סבירות”

Shelling Pessi’s house in Kibbutz Be’eri was reasonable!

Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram is expected to be exonerated and appointed as Commander of the Gaza Division, according to leaked passages from Major General (reserve) Miki Edelstein’s report who conducted the investigation on the incident of shelling a house in Kibbutz Be’eri with hostages inside.

The investigation states that the decisions made in Pessi’s house incident were reasonable, and shows that the order to fire a tank shell at the house followed consultation between the IDF and the special police force, which were conducting several parallel efforts at the locations where the hostages were held and required immediate responses.

אירוע הירי עמד במוקד חקירת האירועים על אותו יום אותו ערך האלוף (במיל’) מיקי אדלשטיין על הקרבות בבארי. מסקנות התחקיר הוצגו בימים האחרונים לרמטכ”ל ולצוות הפיקוד העליון.